The REST API basics


This documentation is related to the API authentication on old PIM version (<=V3.0). If you have a PIM SaaS sandbox or a PIM version (>V3.0), you should read this documentation instead.

#With a v2.x and 3.x PIM

In 2.x or 3.X, you will need to create what we called an API connection.

  1. Log into your favorite PIM.
  2. Navigate to the System/API connections menu.
  3. Click on Create.
  4. Input a label for your connection, ERP connection for example.
  5. Click on Save.

The PIM automatically generates a client ID and secret, that you will find in the API connections grid.

In case your secret leaked, you can revoke an API connection by clicking on the Revoke button. It is located in the API connections entry you will find under the System menu.
Note that it will totally delete your whole API connection, i.e. you will have to create a new one.

#With a v1.7 PIM

In v1.7, to generate a new client ID and secret, you need to use the following command directly on the PIM server.

php app/console pim:oauth-server:create-client \
        --grant_type="password" \
        --grant_type="refresh_token" \
        --env=prod \
        --label="ERP connection"

You will get something like:

A new client has been added:
    client_id: 4gm4rnoizp8gskgkk080ssoo80040g44ksowwgw844k44sc00s
    secret: 5dyvo1z6y34so4ogkgksw88ookoows00cgoc488kcs8wk4c40s
    label: ERP connection

You have to give a label to your pair of client id / secret when you create them. This is useful to remember which application you give this pair of credentials to.

#Secret revocation

In case your secret leaked, you can revoke it by using the following command:

php app/console pim:oauth-server:revoke-client the-client-id --env=prod

We ask for a confirmation when you revoke a client.

This operation is irreversible. Are you sure you want to revoke this client? (Y/n)

If you type Y, the client is then revoked and you will receive this message.

Client with public id 4gm4rnoizp8gskgkk080ssoo80040g44ksowwgw844k44sc00s and secret 5dyvo1z6y34so4ogkgksw88ookoows00cgoc488kcs8wk4c40s has been revoked.

#List all API connections

Just run the following command, still on your PIM server.

php app/console pim:oauth-server:list-clients --env=prod

You will get this answer.

    | Client id                                          | Secret                                             |  Label            |
    | 3e2iqilq2ygwk0ccgogkcwco8oosckkkk4gkoc0k4s8s044wss | 44ectenmudus8g88w4wkws84044ckw0k4w4kg0sokoss84oko8 | Print catalog connection |
    | 4gm4rnoizp8gskgkk080ssoo80040g44ksowwgw844k44sc00s | 5dyvo1z6y34so4ogkgksw88ookoows00cgoc488kcs8wk4c40s | ERP connection |
    | 4_5e6kfzmath8gowk0s000kkgc0o44cwgwsockwk0ccss4sw0w | 2nwha9mzk2w4so0cgokwocswoc48s0sg44wgg40kkokgg4w0go | Magento connection |